Getting Your Sewer System Ready for the Worst of Winter

open sewer cover

Winter can be hard on sewer pipes even in climates where the cold season is mild. The holidays are especially tough on wastewater pipes as guests arrive, and bathroom use increases along with washing dishes, clothes, bedclothes and table linens. Even more stress is put on the system when the winters are harsh. Here are […]

2 Easy Summertime Tips for Water Heater Efficiency

Technician servicing heating boiler

Summer is just around the corner, and so is the season of high energy consumption for the average household. Your water heater may not be the first thing you think of when it comes to getting ready for summer. However, this appliance works hard all year long to heat and store water for showers, dishwashing, […]

Warm Showers Ahead: Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Water Heater

technician servicing the water heater

When the birds start chirping and the flowers bloom, it is not only nature that needs refreshing; your home does as well. Among the most overlooked and critical parts of spring cleaning is making certain your water heater is in tip-top shape. This ensures you have access to hot water for showers, cleaning, and more, […]

Tips for Preparing Your Drains for Winter

Plumber unclogging a tub drain

When you\’re preparing your home for harsh winter weather, don\’t forget to care take of your drains. Frozen pipes, clogs and other drainage issues can lead to serious problems, including property damage. Here are some essential maintenance tips to get your drains ready for winter. Clean Your Drains Cleaning your drains is essential to avoid […]

Be Sewer Smart This Holiday Season

Concrete drainage pipe

The holidays are the most difficult part of the year for home plumbing systems in North America. There are several reasons, but the frequency of gatherings and social activity is a big part of it. Instead of struggling with clogged drains, overflowing toilets, or worse, homeowners can avoid almost all of these problems by following […]

Repair Leaks This Fall to Prevent Water-Related Problems

While some homeowners may procrastinate on household chores, repairing water leaks should not be one of them. Water leaks are not only costly, but they can result in significant problems if they do not get addressed. If you have any leaks in your home this fall, you should call a professional plumber to repair them […]

Maximizing Summer Protection Through Sump Pump Upgrades

A plumber repairing a sump pump in a flooded basement in a residential home

You should check your home\’s sump pump now to ensure it is in good working order before the humid summer months arrive. Water damage and expensive repairs could be on the horizon if your home doesn\’t have a working sump pump. If you want to ensure that your house is ready for summer heat, upgrading […]

Spring Into Action: Unblock Your Home\’s Flow With These Drain Cleaning Tips

Woman Looking At Male Plumber Cleaning Clogged Pipes

Like most people, you cannot wait for spring to arrive. Every year when the ice starts to melt and the grass turns green again, it signals the start of a new season. It also signals to homeowners to begin completing some spring cleaning tasks. One task that is often overlooked is cleaning drains and clearing […]

Why Do Clogs Seem to Happen More During Winter?

Dirty Drain

3 Reasons Why Plumbing Clogs Happen More During Winter Clogs within your plumbing system can show up at any time, and they\’re always annoying and inconvenient. However, you may have noticed that these occurrences tend to happen more during the winter than in any other season. This is the case for many households, but most […]

Common Plumbing Problems That Occur in the Winter

Icicles hanging from a frozen water jets, tube, yellow pipe. aged wall background. winter time concept.

Winters here in Dayton can be beautiful, but that doesn\’t mean that they\’re easy to deal with. Freezing temperatures as well as snow and ice storms can pose many problems for residents in our area. One reason why our team at Buckeye Plumbing is busy during the winter is that cold temperatures can cause many […]